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Here is all the characters you will be able to choose in "Final Fantasy VIII" (well, not really). The brief description is not final, so if you have any suggestions, you can mail me or posted in the guestbook. I will put it on and your name(s) on if your entry is applied.
Squall is the main character in FF8. He is lonely, less active. His detached and sometimes inhuman personality has a reason. Although he seems unmoved about the issues happening around him, he has very delicate heart, and has inner conflicts very often. His icy heart melts when encountered with Rinoa's passion.
Squall's Weapon  Squall's Limitbreak

Rinoa, who is one of the girl attracted by Squall's appearance and personality (I'm a bit jealous), is surely one of the outstanding charaters in the story. Her straight personality let her speak what she thinks without consideration, so she did offend many people. However, she is kind of the charaters who should not be ignored.
Rinoa's Weapon  Rinoa's Limitbreak

Zell is one of the main characters in FF8. He joins Garden is out of his admiration towards his grandfather who was an excellent soldier. He likes to eat the hot dogs sold in the garden canteen.
Zell's Weapon  Zell's Limitbreak

Quistis is a talented fighter and a sharp observer. She is the instructor of Squall early in the game, however later becomes SeeD, too. She became SeeD at the age of 15 and received her instructor's licence at 17.
Quistis's Weapon  Quistis's Limitbreak

Ivrine belongs to Gabadian Garden which is different from the garden Squall, Quistis and Zell come from. He is one of the few sniper who rarely misses his preyers. (or never?) Nevertheless, he pretended to be appeal to girls therefore fewer respect is paid to this "gentleman".
Ivrine's Weapon  Ivrine's Limitbreak

Selphie is from Tabaria Garden, which again, differs from Ivrine's or Squall's garden. She has a straight, open and optemistic personality. However, her comments sometimes may seem a bit naive.
Selphie's Weapon  Selphie's Limitbreak
There are of course other characters in FF8 which cannot be fully described here, but be patient, you can see them by Clicking Here.