Magazines is one special aspect of FF8. You can only get to use the magazines you possess by using them and read them (literally). Nevertheless, here are the all the magazines you will find. They are catagorized into the groups allocated. Note that you can buy any magazines from Estar Book Shop, if you have the Familiar ability.
Name |
Use |
Weapons' Monthly
| Used to model weapons |
Pets' Pal
| Used to learn new moves for Rinoa's limit break - Angelo. |
Combat King
| Used to learn new moves for Zell's limit break - Duel. |
Occult Fan
| Used as hints on the items needed to summon Doomtrain from Solomon Ring. |
Iimber Manics
| Written by Laguna, adds bits and pieces to the storyline. Access study panel to use read Timber Manics.
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