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Alright, so you have seen the site, you got some comments and suggestions and some other queries. Send e-mail to either of the web-masters, they will (at least try to) answer your question.
Contact MiniGhost:
Name:  miniGhost
Age:  lost count... 1276??? or was it 1267???
Where abouts:  graveyard... (where else??)
Some comments: 
a yr had passed. alot happened in that year, and i no longer feel i am the idiot i used to be any more. =) good to hear eh? though didn't make much progress in terms of the site, but learnt alot, made alot of friends etc.

right now, i am living in the shade of past, in the light of the present. (though i am sure it will be gone in a few months.)
Contact Sephiroth: tobeadded
Name:  Sephiroth
Age:  16
Where abouts:  The promised land
Some comments: 
Sum people play for the story line, sum people play for the sake of playing, and SOME, not ALL, not MANY, but the Very Few of us, STUDY the game. See, I started playing 8 when ff9 was released, even though it was a little bit late, I still managed to catch up with all the latest gossips at the time. I used to be a ff7 freak, like you know, playing it all day andnight, coz it took ages to train the characters back then, the experiences systems were totally different. So... why do we study the game you say? Well, to perfect something and to understand it to the fullest meaning, one must study it with all his/her heart and dedication. Enuf said, I'm what they call a Game Guru...

Contact hEARTS:
Name:  hEARTS
Age:  19 (dun be fool-ed by the age of the other 2 pplz, they never update their profile ^^)
Where abouts:  Hearts
Some comments: 
Well. FF8 is our current project, but let's hope we do finish it and if possible, move on to other titles. For pplz to fully enjoy and appreciate the design and sophistication of gaming there has to be ppl who make sacrificces. Now i'm not one of those Jap pplz who designs games from 11 am to 4 am each day, nor do i play like a gaming machine for over 12 hrs each day. I'm just some normal ppl who uses his free time to do something, if not worthwhile