Other Charaters
Here are the other characters you can control in FF8. The brief description is not final, so if you have any suggestions, you can mail me or posted in the guestbook. I will put it on and your name(s) on if your entry is applied.
Seifer is the "bad" guy in Final Fantasy VIII, although he is as well a SeeD candidate. However, his merciless personality and stubbornness lost his chance of being a SeeD. Weapon: Gunblade. Limit Break: No Mercy
Edea is the powerful sorceress know for her unestimatable power of casting magics. Her abnormal behavior has a reason, as well as her ruthless appearance at the beginning of the game. Weapon: Magic Power. Limit Break: Ice Shards
Laguna is the other main character in FF8(?). His nagging personality however seems annoy at times. Nevertheless, he is a fierce worrior on the battlefield. Weapon: Machine Gun. Limit Break: Desperado
Kiros is the best friend of Laguna alone with Ward. He has a dark face and agile movement, with gives the impression of wolves. However, he worth friendship the most important in his life and therefore has a kind heart. Weapon: Daggers. Limit Break: Heartbreak
Ward is the other best friend of Laguna. He is the antithesis of Kiros in some areas (less mobile yet much stronger). Weapon: Anchor. Limit Break: Heavy Anchor